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21 June 2011

it's time to make the world a better place...

By going off for no apparent reason...

a. Is it really that hard...

To offer Mass by the books, REALLY? God forbid the offertory take a whole 30 seconds longer to pour the wine into the chalices before consecration. Why should I obey, when you don't? Wasn't Christ Obedient unto death? So much for letting Christ shine through your actions. Quite frankly, if the choice comes between irreverent Mass and staying at home, I'm choosing staying at home, Masses are a near occasion of sin for me, I end up ridiculously angry, I've tolerated enough crap, NO MORE!...and alas, the economy prevents me from escaping to TLM every week.

b. Shut it...

On the following: The economy (yeah, it sucks), Lady Zero's fat crusade (get the heck off my tv screen), Fr Corapi (he's still a priest until he's been laicized officially by his Bishop),  It's all repetitive information, tell me something I don't know.

c. Speaking of Fr Corapi...I have a few him.
i. The life of a priest is difficult, it is the Cross made real daily. Don't back away just because of a perceived in-justice. Trust and you will be cleared.
ii. I moved across the country to join a religious order, knowing absolutely NO ONE, no idea what I was up for, only to be told no, be forced to move back across the country, and effectively have to start from ground zero again. Do you think I was content? I wasn't, still am not, and probably won't be so for a while. This process is still difficult, do me a favor, think before jumping.
iii. Cults of personality are a bad thing, whenever they appear do what you can to deflect them. They build into our egos (which are bad enough). It's not about you, and you know this, it's difficult, but you must.
iv. Don't want to live in community? Fine, leave the order, but no need to leave the priesthood. I pray for you, you pray for me.

d. A few kind words of thanks:
i. To my former SD who will be moving back to Nigeria next week. For showing me the example of how to live the Cross daily.
ii. To Mrs. Makarova, who has been helpful in bringing back to my mind the things of physics I forgot
iii. To all of my former students that I've ran into over the past few months, for reminding me how much I am needed.

e. Why haven't you been blogging?
i. The energy to blog has not been there since about February give or take. I've been worn out and still need more time to recover, I was oddly compelled to write today.
ii. I've been working on my teaching credential to teach maths and physics. Test July 9ths.
iii. That said, i have been reading some blogs, not commenting though, keeping a VERY low profile.

f. On matters of sports.
i. I'm glad that Dallas won the NBA finals. Rooting for LeBrick James is like rooting for Obamacare to pass, just no way I can do it. That and I can't stand arrogant fools.
ii. My Mariners are playing well :), I totally did not expect this.
iii. Women's world cup: Go USA

g. On matters of the heart.
i. I feel that I have to go to the bottom before I can start up. I start from ground zero up. This includes spiritually. For those of you that miss me at YA Events, I'll try to make it out to the upcoming events.
ii. Break-ups are painful, leaving the order has been, continues to be, and will be painful for quite a while. I don't take things well, get over things easily, or forget anything that happens, and that's just how it is.
iii. That trip to Russia has been postponed no thank you to Jury duty being scheduled the week before I'm scheduled to bounce this country and head to Russia. You bet I'm going to take it out on the court system :D
iv. I don't want to play games. God is going to have to drag me directly if He wants me, otherwise, it's back to being a mathematician and a physicist and teaching students and the whole 15 kids named in order after the Saints in the Roman Canon. (Yes, I'm speaking 3/4ths truth to this statement)
v. There are certain people I'd pursue if they were ready to be pursued, that is all. Otherwise, the potential for marriage lives an 11 hour time difference.

h. New things...
i. The new shows other than Good Luck Charlie (with the adorable little baby Mia Talerico) on Disney channel suck. They pretty much hit their last home run with this show, and don't need to take away Wizards of Waverly Place. Is it me, or is it hard to find good young actresses?
ii. I think we need to re-establish a culture of failure, every one's been told they can do anything, when they can't..EG: Bieber, Black, need I say more?

i. Problems that are self-inflicted
a. Don't complain to me about you being're the one that decided to have the kid, not my fault you couldn't keep your legs closed ;). God forbid you have to keep yourself under control.
b. It's probably a good idea when you're getting out of a traumatic event to take time away to reflect, not immediately jump to the next thing. (or person). Especially if there's a friend you were supposed to go out with had he not gotten hit by a car...just sayin'
c. Zero, ATM's have been around for a long time, they weren't invented in 2008 or anytime during the previous administration. They're not responsible for any job loss at all.

j. Conclusion
a. Pray for me, I need it.
b. I should go get a drink or 3.
c. Pax Vobis